So I am not sure what to do... I have been with American Family for 5 years and I am just not happy. I am very comfortable, but not happy. The past couple weeks I have been tossing around the idea of looking for something different, but to be completely honest, I am scared to death to leave my "comfort zone". I have no benefits with American Family. I am allotted 2 weeks vacation and 5 sick days (all have guilt trips included for taking time off) We have 5 days holiday pay (not too bad, but it is half from what I started with). The good part about working there is my pay. I am making pretty good money, but I know I could be making more somewhere else. I just don't know what to do. I feel if I leave, I am letting everyone at the office down, but is it really worth my happiness? Yeah, I will feel like crap for a while by leaving. I know I will be thinking about the insureds I always work with, there are some that I would hate to lose contact with, but again, is it worth my happiness?

The other place I have been looking at is Progressive Insurance. As much as I would hate to stay in insurance, its what I know, and what I am good at. (I like to tell myself anyway!) They offer competitive pay, 401K, insurance, the benefits look to be endless!! One of my really good friends works for the company, and she likes it there. The only draw back is, its a call center. I hate the phones! As long as I don't have to do cold calls I should be okay, but I am not sure if it the money and benefits would be worth it... *sigh*

My dream job / career would be working with kids. I want so bad to get my foot in the door to becoming a teacher. I want so bad to go to school and work with kids. I know it would not be all fun, there is still the parents that would raise a stink about this or that, I think I would be very happy working with kiddos!

Ugh, this growing up stuff is no fun! I could go on and on for hours, even days, about why I should stay where I am at and why I should leave and so on... I am just going pray that some major sign comes about as far as what I should do. Right now I am so mixed with emotions, I am tempted to write my boss an email! (that would be bad! very very bad! -- I need to at least wait until after my birthday lunch!) (haha)

Well, I am going to continue to think about all my options and try to stay calm at work. :o) 'Till next time!


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