On the road to a healthier me...

So I have decided that I am heading down the wrong road again as far as my health is concerned. I have gained weight since the wedding and I am lazy, and overall not happy with myself. I need to start making changes again, the question to myself, however, is what change can I stick with? I have lots of great ideas floating around my head, but none of them I have been able to stick with or even start. I need to figure something out and quick. Jeremy had mentioned joining a gym again. I know when I was going to the gym religiously thats when I dropped the pounds before... So that may be what I need. I am just so good at making excuses for not going. The gym is such a great place especially because it helps relieve stress. Now that I have "talked" this out with myself, that just may be the one thing that will get me back on track. I want to feel great about myself again... I want to be confident in myself again. I just want and need a change!

Step one in my health quest: I am going to try to get back on spark people again and start logging in my food and join in on the chats and look for support if I feel like I need it.

Step two in my health quest: I am going to start eating smaller portions again, eat healthier, and leave the chocolate for my love! ;o)

Step three in my health quest: I need a major attitude change. Positive talk and thoughts from now on. I need to look in that mirror every day and tell myself that I am on the right track, that this is a life style change and it is for the best!

I can do this! Lots of support will be great and a gym membership will be very helpful I believe (since there is no room in our house for a "home gym") So..... here I go! I am going to do updates at least once a week, I think. That way my progress is out there floating in cyberspace! ;o)


You have my support sweetie! The gym will be fun again! Yeay!

October 4, 2008 at 7:56 PM  

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