
My grandma got the test results back on Thursday.... the news is not good. Her cancer is stage 4. I found out yesterday that the doctors gave her 4 months to live if she does not chose to do the chemo. She told me that she is looking forward to starting chemo. The chemo is not to get rid of the cancer, it is just to help stop the growth. She has cancer on liver and on the lymph nodes around her organs. Because it is so advanced, there is really nothing the doctors can do to get rid of it.

The good news, she is so strong and a very stubborn German that usually what she says goes. She says that she will still be around for another 2 to 3 years, so that is what I am hoping on. :o) I am trying to stay positive for her, but that is so much easier said than done. Today was a much better day than Thursday and Friday, so hopefully all the crying is out of my system.

I want to say thank you so very much to all my friends and family who have prayed for my grandma. It means the world to me. If it wasn't for my support system here at home, I would be so lost and possible heavily sedated because I had gone crazy! I am so blessed in so many ways and I just wanted to say "Thank you!"

Well, that's about it... as for me, I am going to get ready for my Christmas party and do a serious attitude check! :o) 'Tis the season for faith, love and happiness!


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